Cevasco International, LLC
Evolved SEASPARROW Missile: The Evolution Continues, Common Defense Quarterly, Fall 2012
NATO Seasparrow: the project advances to adolescence, Common Defense Quarterly, Summer 2010
Origins of a Four Decade Success Story: NATO Seasparrow’s Founders got it right, Common Defense Quarterly, Winter 2009
Co-author with Steve Piper, Addressing the International Dimension of Defense Acquisition, Common Defense Quarterly, Wpring 2009
Chapter author, Export Controls and Their Relationship to National Defense Industries, “The Modern Defense Industry,” edited by Richard Bitzinger, Praeger Security International, 2009
Missile Defense Clarity: Bush Must Push His Vision Across Administration, Defense News OpEd, September 22, 2003
Buy-American Fallacy: Provisions Threaten U.S. Troops, Jobs, Defense News OpEd, July 21, 2003
Missing the Boat, Armed Forces Journal, February 2003
Principal co-author with Gordon Adams, The Future of the Transatlantic Defense Community, the final report of the CSIS Commission on Transatlantic Security and Industrial Cooperation in the Twenty-First Century, Center for Strategic and International Studies, January 2003
Contributor to Technology and Security in the Twenty-First Century: US Military Export Control Reform, published by the Center for Strategic and International Studies, May 2001.
Working Paper-Survey and Assessment of Alternative Multilateral Export Control Structures, for the Study Group on Enhancing Multilateral Export Controls for US National Security, co-chaired by Senators Enzi and Bingaman and Congressmen Cox and Berman, a joint publication of the Henry L. Stimson Center and the Center for Strategic and International Studies, April 2001.
The Framework’s there: International Armaments Cooperation in the Post-Perry, Post-Kaminski Era, Armed Forces Journal International, July 1998
Alliance Cooperative Efforts Assume Post-CFE Significance, Signal magazine, October 1990